Category Archives: 3-Space

The “smartest rocket” pictured by the “coolest hexacopter”

SpaceX is doing amazing things! Their “Grasshopper” is a Vertical Takeoff Vertical Landing (VTVL) rocket vehicle to test a new concept of rocket that is capable of returning back to Earth intact. Sounds like rocket science recycling?

In this video you can see something amazing. I call it the Greatest Combination of Aerospace Tech: the smartest rocket on Earth being observed by an Hexacopter! How much better can you get?

Satellite Tracker

Tracking satellites can be fun (where is the ISS now?) … and complicated. Fortunately there are some algorithms that can help like the SGP4.

I’ve used an available php implementation of the SGP4 algorithm and made a simple satellite tracker application showing the ISS, but really it can show any satellite as long I feed the proper Two Line Element from CelesTrack.

Check the link and you’ll see where the ISS is hovering now:


Satellite Tracker

And you can check how accurate this is by going to this link:

